Saturday 1 March 2014

I'm afraid of skiing

I'm just back from a skiing trip with my family in the Swedish mountains. The "fjäll" as we call it. It was really nice, and I actually really tried to get over my fear of skiing. It went quite well, I managed not to break a bone. I see it as an achievment every time. ;) Studying was also attempted (you can't say I didn't try), but I then finally resorted to watching soap operas on TV and eating chocolate from the nearby chocolate factory outlet. Om nom.
Oh look, there's snow

We went sledding. It was intense.

Our cosy cottage

Messing around with the camera. One of my favourite pictures!
That's what I've done this week! See you soon :)

1 comment:

  1. Ermahgerd epic pictures! Now I can stalk you as well, yay! :D
